Glamorous ladies ministries


Glamorous Ladies Ministries

In the history of the spread of the Gospel in the world, ladies keep playing important roles in the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus and RFP Ministries values the place of ladies through Glamorous Ladies Ministry (GLM). Through praying together and consuming Gods word, many RFP ladies have greatly impacted society in many ways.

We believe that women have in them a natural ability to change the world. Everything we see as ordinary in a woman is given for extraordinary service to God hence we offer platforms for every woman to embrace their potential as true channels for the work of God. We aim to enhance the relationship between women beyond the walls of the church.

The vision of Glamorous Ladies Ministry is to build up the ministering function in every woman that is part of, or is yet to take up an active role, in ministry both in RFP ministries and beyond by teaching, preaching and sharing the word of God to build confidence in women so they may take up the role God placed in them for the glory of His kingdom.

Our main objective is to show women that they have in them a natural ability to change the world. Everything we see as ordinary in a woman is given for extraordinary service to God. (They had gone to the tomb to do the ordinary things {Anoint the body of Christ with spices} that they had to (Luke 24:1-3) but God started with them from the same point, as they were doing the ordinary God introduced extraordinary things to them). We offer a platform of revelations at every monthly meeting and every outreach enables every woman to embrace their potential as true channels for the work of God. We aim to enhance the relationship between women beyond the walls of the church.

The ministry has so many initiatives in place to see to it that the vision is being unfolded. The ladies hold periodic meetings aimed to build them through the word and prayer. Brides–to-be sessions are also held every quarter where the ladies are groomed to be outstanding, shining and influential wives while being effective in their Christianity and service unto God to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In adding value to them, the ministry also focuses on helping ladies to be industrious by holding business seminars, cooking dates, gardening and so much more that is beneficial to the women in our age.


We are an exciting, attractive, interesting and persistent breed of God. We use these our four God given qualities to reconcile the world to God.

We are ready to commit ourselves to every work and every service in order to benefit the world at large; as our father has sent us to the world.

Under the insightful leadership of our dear woman of God, Pastor Emma, ladies in the ministry have been raised to impact and influence their world (family, school, workplace, etc) in ways they never imagined possible!


Our vision is to build up the ministering function in every woman that is part of, or is yet to take up an active role, in ministry both in RFP ministries and beyond.

Mission Statement

By teaching, preaching and sharing the word of God we build confidence in women so they may take up the role God placed in them for the glory of His kingdom.

Main Objective

To show women that they have in them a natural ability to change the world. Everything we see as ordinary in a woman is given for extra-ordinary service to God.

Upcoming Events

2023 - 2024 Crossover Service